Bad Butler

This is a My Web Site Demo – a My Web Site is a few powerful site that delivers everything most creators and SW need at a very affordable price – see for current info.

About Me, For Fans :-

If you like my stuff, actual PURCHASES make me really, really happy. BUY My Content! Please 🙂

About Me, For Industry :-

Want to collab? Love to 🙂 Face out, certed, releases, ID’s etc. Been performing since I played Student BF roles, love it 🙂

Web Services for Adult Industry and SW : – – is mine.

FREE pages and affordable My Web Site (this site is a My Web Site just £9pm or £99pa) and Full Web Sites (such as just £239pa or £24pm. If you are in adult, inc FSSW, you should have at least a FREE page there.

Tech Articles for Adult : A LOT of stuff about the money/legal/tech/health side of this industry. : The FIRST Nostr Relay that will always allow adult and SW.

Reach me : –

Twitter @PaulJonesAIR